[ 最佳天然防卫 ~ Inchaguard 卫士康 ]
为什么坚持只吃 Inchaguard 卫适康就够了?
第二,因为它是全亚洲首款同时把益生菌和植物素,乳香树胶及酵母β1,3/1,6葡聚糖集合在一起的天然防卫。而且含有20多种berry在里面,所以它不纯粹是益生菌也能当作维他命C (不含乳酸菌!)
第三,因为它临床测试显示 Inchaguard能有效减低上呼吸道感染,帮助咽喉健康,降低病菌入侵的几率。不需要解释的太夸张,就仅仅第三点就已经说服我了新冠肺炎最先攻击的就是呼吸道你没有理由不知道
【卫适康INCHA GUARD人类肠道的护卫队】
人类肠道健康有《卫适康INCHA GUARD》益生菌“修筑工事”占据有利生态位,在肠道黏膜上形成一道“菌膜屏障”,阻止致病菌入侵;另一方面,启用“大规模杀伤性武器”,刺激肠道的免疫系统、淋巴组织,产生免疫球蛋白等抗体;激活T细胞的非特异性免疫功能,促进NK细胞增殖(自然杀伤细胞),诱发产生多种细胞因子,消灭致病细菌,全面保护肠道健康。
Do you know about low immunity and these symptoms below
Frequent fatigue and long-term fatigue, where the body does not get enough rest, the cells throughout the body are protesting against you. So when you feel tired, you don't like to move, and you couldn’t fight against bacteria, you eventually will then become very tired.
When the body temperature is unstable especially when the flu season is high, you’ll definitely be in the first batch of patients and unable to fight against with. You will then need to take medicine and antibiotics in order to suppress the bacteria. By doing so will only lower down your immune system and causes your body to develop resistance.
Gastroenteritis is also a manifestation here. It is very difficult to eat out at food stalls with friends, when the others are happily eating, but only your stomach feeling not well.
Emotional or stress, long-term bad temper, anxiety, and depression will cause hormone secretion disorders, endocrine disorders, and therefore cause immunity to highly reduced.
Ever since mobile phones exist, people have not doing exercise for a long time. Existence of mobile phones cause us to stay at home frequently, we rely on mobile phones instead of going out and even ordering food delivery at home than going for exercise. Such prolonged inactivity will cause blood viscosity to rise slowly and end up forming blood clots. Furthermore, sitting down for too long can even lead to intestinal microecological disorders too.
Long-term sleep deprivation as normally people sleep for at least eight hours, but do you know how many people use their sleeping time to play their mobile phones? Although sometimes staying up late is nice, but lack of sleep in long term time can lead to weaker body and endanger our health at the same time too.
Therefore, choose INCHAGUARD, an active probiotic that are effective for our gastrointestinal tract, which in long-term time as we continuously consume will then enable the probiotics to function well in our body and protect our intestines at the same time.
1. 鲜艳的蓝色素(藻蓝蛋白) ~ 有强大的抗氧化和抗炎特性,有助于对抗自由基。
2. 黄色和橙色素(类胡萝卜素,叶黄素,番茄红素) ~ 作为有效的抗氧化剂,可降低心血管的风险。 叶黄素则可帮助改善眼部的视力。
3. 红色和紫色素(花青素) ~ 具有抗氧化和抗菌活性,能促进血液循环和大脑健康。
1. InchaGuard是一种功能性超级食物
2. 每一包是3克
3. 可以直接倒入口中吃
4. 婴儿从6个月开始就可以吃了
5. 不含白糖
6. 甜份主要来自异麦芽酮糖,寡糖(益生元)和罗汉果萃取物
7. InchaGuard的所有成分皆来自植物或酵母发酵
8. InchaGuard不含人工色素,不含化学防腐剂,不含反式脂肪,不含胆固醇,不含农药,不含除草剂,不含转基因成分
9. InchaGuard主要针对
a. 免疫系统(抵抗力,上呼吸道疾病,肿瘤)
b. 肠胃道(胃痛,胃溃疡,幽门螺旋菌,消化不良,营养吸收不
c. 皮肤过敏和敏感
10. InchaGuard主要由四大成分组成
a. NutriFood植物素:源自荷兰
b. 乳香树胶:源自希腊
c. 人体长短双歧杆菌:源自日本
d. 酵母β1,3/1,6葡聚糖:源自美国
Inchaguard 3g x 30's
MYR358 / SGD128
Inchaguard - 卫适康
不纯粹是益生菌, 它是*天然抗生素*‼
Inchaguard 功效 :
️1) 改善婴儿,小孩,成年人和老人的皮肤过敏现象。
️2) 小孩肚子有蛔虫,没有胃口,可以改善胃口。
️3) Inchaguard 含有专利葡聚醣 Beta 1,3/1,6,是属于天然的抗生素,专利证明能4) 有效降低,感冒和呼吸道疾病。
️5) 富含适合人体寄宿的双歧杆菌,具备释放代谢产物"醋酸"的能力,能更有效的消灭大肠杆菌。
️6) 富含花青素,帮助提升身体的抗氧化能力和促进免疫系统健康。
️7) 富含类胡萝卜素,叶黄素,番茄红素,对心血管疾病,视网膜和细胞新陈代谢有帮助。